Our boat chugging down the Rhine |
Our next bike trip was one of the longest with a butt-numbing 48 Kilometers (30 miles) along the Rhine and through some more nature reserves. Somewhere around Mannheim we stopped for lunch. Looking at all the buildings I tried to see some trace of the Germany I remembered when I was a kid back in the seventies living in Germany. Then Germany was still very much a post WWII society and firmly entrenched in the Cold War as a divided nation. I did see one old apartment building with the little balconies outside each apartment. This style of apartment building was prominent when I lived there. Other than that I could conjure up no sense of nostalgia. It was like I had never been there before.
This was slightly before my time but the apartment buildings looked exactly the same in the seventies. |
There were places on our bike ride where we had to cross the river on a small ferry such as the one above. |
As usual Josh took photos of geese and ducks. They are beautiful, aren't they? |
finally made it to Heidelberg and since we didn't want to waste time we
parked our bikes at the dock and wandered around the town. I stopped at a
pharmacy and bought a few Chocolate bars. Some people like to sample
beer from different countries. I like to taste chocolate from every
nation. I fully intended to bring some back home for my family but the
heat melted the chocolate bars pretty quick so Josh and I had to eat
them so they wouldn't go to waste. Which was sad. Sad for the people
back home, that is. They were yummy!
Heidelberg Gate |
The following photos were taken as we walked around the downtown area of Heidelberg.
On the hill you can see part of Heidelberg Castle. I visited it as a child and would have liked to again, but Josh and I were too hot and tired to walk up the mountainside to get there. So we contented ourselves with admiring it from a distance.
I don't know the age of the bridge above the house, but it looks Roman. |
Heidelberg Castle |
Some of the buildings in the town square. |
Later we took a tour led by a slightly crazy German woman who, nevertheless, was passionate about her subject: Heidelberg history. She took us to the University there and old apartments of important historical figures such as Robert Schumann. It was also where Martin Luther went to defend his 95 thesis, Heidelberg playing a significant role in the Reformation. Below are photos of a Lutheran church. I found it remarkable in its contrast to St. Peter's. The one filled with opulent, gold plated figures and adornment, the other striking in its almost Shaker-like simplicity.
St. Peter's Cathedral interior |
Another view of St. Peter's Cathedral in Worms |
Lutheran church below
There's more to Heidelberg than these photos but I think that's enough footage for now. I hope and pray you all have a blessed week and very Merry Christmas!!