Here is the inimitable Yo Yo Ma playing Shostakovich's Cello Concerto no. 1
You may notice that the background of my photos will be different. That is because Josh and I have moved into a nicer, larger house. I am currently sitting in my art studio which also has the aviary, which means it is also my writing room.
I am still unpacking and and putting up things, mainly books. This is my library. It's on the second floor. The movers were good sports about it, especially after we tipped them well.
Did I mention my husband built the bookshelves?

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I give it two stars because it was OK. Not bad, not great. I was a little disappointed.
Where the author stuck to scientific facts concerning what zoologists know about squid, the body construction, migrating habits, age, size was very interesting.
What was also interesting was historical accounts of eye witnesses of squid and the first discoveries of giant squid.
Apparently, however, that was not enough flesh out an entire book so Williams puffed it out with speculation on the origins of the species via evolution. We don't know that so...uninteresting.
I would have found it interesting if she had presented the theory of origins honestly, such as...scientists believe this, there's some argument about that, another theory claims It's all presented as fact upon which to base our knowledge, which is a waste of time because not knowing where squid came from or how long they've been on earth doesn't really change what we can see and experience about them before our physical senses.
Then, out of the blue, the last couple of chapters are about octopuses. OK. But what does that have to do with the previous several chapters?
Go ahead and read it, but with a critical mind.
View all my reviews
After two days working like a dog. Who needs a gym?
lovely bookshelves; they sort of look like the ones i made except mine aren't as fancy... did he anchor them to the walll? do they get earthquakes there? i use to be interested in paleontology when i was studying geology; i would have pursued it into graduate school but i had a family to support... the evolutionary record is not so great with soft-bodied creatures like octopi or squid, but there has been research in that area i believe... i just recently read about a discovery of a bilateral worm identified in the Cambrian, i think it was, that is regarded as the ancestor of bipeds currently in existence. although what they found were casts, not fossils... make of it what you will...
Thank you mudpuddle! Josh did anchor them to the wall. We don't get earthquakes, but East Texas is a part of tornado alley.
I love biology and science. The book was not without merit. It whet my appetite to find out more about sea creatures.
I can imagine squid being very interesting. Both their science and history of encounters with people. The octopus thing seems strange.
Those bookshelves are impressive.
I don't know how you find the mental energy to read in the middle of moving, unpacking, and all of that! But you're a champ!
And bookshelf-building hubbies are the BEST! I have one, too. : )
Hey, and it looks like you have a "room of one's own!" Very awesome!
Sharon your bookshelves look great. What a great collection of books as well. Enjoyed catching a glimpse of your lovely art as well. Keep safe and well. Hugs!
HI Brian!
I love natural history and I would love to know more about squid. I don't think this book delivered.
I'll pass the compliment on the shelves on to Josh, thanks!
Have a great weekend.
HI Ruth!
I do! Actually I have a couple. I have a writing/art/ aviary room too so I am super spoiled.
I don't know if I do have the energy. I am about done in with the packing, unpacking and yesterday I had to go back to the old house and mow the lawn, which was knee deep. Whew!
Hi Debbie!
That's a real compliment coming from a wonderful artist like you! Take care!
Great library of bookshelves. I suppose you have more than enough books to fill them?? Good to see you have an art workshop as well. Nice!
HI Carol! How are things in Australia? Are you all confined to your houses as well?
Hi Sharon, we’re encouraged to stay home & only go out for essentials - groceries, medical appointment, & work. We may go out to exercise but only two people together & avoid everybody else. So we havent seen our older kids & grandchildren & catch up via FaceTime. No church except online. Things have settled down a bit with supermarket shelves starting to look more normal. Looks like this will continue for some time but it seems to be working the way the health authorities wanted - flattening the curve etc.
Hi Carol! We'll get through this. I already see God at work in unexpected ways because of the quarantine. Glad to know we're all in it together.
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