Sorry for the late post. Josh and I are moving houses. We're glad to move into a place that better suits out space needs, but it's so tiring.
In the meantime, enjoy Ashkenazy: Beethoven - Sonata 8 Opus 13 (Pathéthique)
My lovebird, Puddle decided that this book made a cheap parrot toy.
The Chee-Chalker by L. Ron Hubbard
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
OK. I know the author started a cult. I even heard he started it as joke, but never mind.
I could not resist the cover and, who knows? Even cult leaders could be good writers.
Except in Hubbard's case, no.
I mean, he's a good writer, but the substance of his writing isn't very interesting.
Sure, he's got the hard-boiled detective, the sexy, bad girl who the FBI agent can't decide whether he should slap around or fall in love with, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and some guy referred to as a Chee Chalker got murdered, which is why aforementioned FBI guy is in Alaska (did I mention this takes place in Alaska?).
There's interesting bits. The Alaskan culture of the 1930s, the glossary in the back is helpful so we know that Chee Chalker is a newcomer to Alaska. Siwash is an Alaskan Native American and so is Tlinget, at least the ones living on the coast.
The plot just didn't go anywhere. It was interrupted by too many drunken brawls, and too few clues to propel the story forward.
However, on the bright side, 'eye roll' there's plenty of Hubbard to be found everywhere. If I had bothered to look him up at my local library I would have discovered they had hundreds of his stuff on e-book. I wouldn't have even had to leave my house to find out he's not my cup of tea, much less waste three dollars (hey, three dollars is three dollars!) at my local Books A Million.
View all my reviews
In the meantime, enjoy Ashkenazy: Beethoven - Sonata 8 Opus 13 (Pathéthique)
My lovebird, Puddle decided that this book made a cheap parrot toy.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
OK. I know the author started a cult. I even heard he started it as joke, but never mind.
I could not resist the cover and, who knows? Even cult leaders could be good writers.
Except in Hubbard's case, no.
I mean, he's a good writer, but the substance of his writing isn't very interesting.
Sure, he's got the hard-boiled detective, the sexy, bad girl who the FBI agent can't decide whether he should slap around or fall in love with, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and some guy referred to as a Chee Chalker got murdered, which is why aforementioned FBI guy is in Alaska (did I mention this takes place in Alaska?).
There's interesting bits. The Alaskan culture of the 1930s, the glossary in the back is helpful so we know that Chee Chalker is a newcomer to Alaska. Siwash is an Alaskan Native American and so is Tlinget, at least the ones living on the coast.
The plot just didn't go anywhere. It was interrupted by too many drunken brawls, and too few clues to propel the story forward.
However, on the bright side, 'eye roll' there's plenty of Hubbard to be found everywhere. If I had bothered to look him up at my local library I would have discovered they had hundreds of his stuff on e-book. I wouldn't have even had to leave my house to find out he's not my cup of tea, much less waste three dollars (hey, three dollars is three dollars!) at my local Books A Million.
View all my reviews
Look at his cute little face. How can such a sweet feather puss be in reality a Edward ScissorFeathers
Years ago I read Battlefield Earth. It was over the top and silly. Over the top and silly can be entertaining but the book was not that entertaining. Hubbard is really not for me either.
You stay healthy too.
Ah Sharon your bird certainly made me smile as well as the last photo. Glad to know I shouldn't waste three dollars at Books a Million :)!! Have a blessed day. Hugs!
i read something about him years ago: he was making a living washing dishes in a cafe of some sort and writing hack novels in his spare time and not getting rich so he decided to start a cult... and he did... what's going to happen to the paras while you're moving? and what's the word on the pandemic there?
Hi Brian! Hope things aren't too chaotic up your way.
The cover was made me buy the book, but I won't be fooled again.
HI Debbie!
I'm glad to finally repay the debt I have to you. I so enjoy your photos of New England. Especially the fall and winter, since we don't have those down here.
Hi mudpuddle,
I have always found personality cults fascinating. Why do people follow certain people? I saw it even in school when I taught. Some snotty, mean little girl would have everyone vying for her friendship while other girls who really were great kids couldn't hardly get a friend.
My birbies came with us the first day. I think they were a little stressed initially at the new surroundings but are rallying fine. We're getting our routine down again.
I knew who the author was, but I did not know that he founded his religion as a joke. LOL! I certainly didn't know he wrote fiction.
Hi mudpuddle! I realize I didn't answer your question about the flu. So far, we're all shut in. I'm recording music on my piano here at home and sending it in to the choir director at ETBU so the girls can learn their parts. No school this week. Maybe school next week?
Josh is conference calling with his colleagues at home. How are things in Portland?
pretty well shut down also... i'm still going over to Longview to bike ride but i stay out of the stores... they're right on the edge of the largest outbreak in the U.S. so i'm careful... traffic about half of normal and not many people around, except the homeless of which there are a lot...
Hi Ruth!
Yeah, it's funny, isn't it? How it became such a huge cult is mystifying. How are you all doing in California? I heard everything is shut down.
Hi Mudpuddle. It's a strange time we're living in. I pray the homeless don't get the flu.
i found out some things about parrots:
HI mudpuddle. I'll check it out.
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