It's the end of the year and I have six books to review. I have to drive to Florida tomorrow and I want these books shelved. So here's a synopsis of each one.
Sayers was the only woman admitted into the Inklings and was great friends with C.S. Lewis. She is mostly known for her Lord Wimsy Detective Stories and her translation of Dante's Inferno.
This was a great book which contains two essays that Sayers gave concerning how women are viewed by both men and women. The biggest thing I got out of her commentary -which is filled with rapier wit I might add- is that both male chauvinism and militant feminism have got it wrong because they insist on classifying women as a gender rather than as individuals. I love music, art, math, engineering etc..because I'm a person who does so, not because I'm a woman. There's interests and abilities I share with women, but there's many things I also share with men. In some ways Sayers is obviously speaking from a bygone time viewpoint. The modern man wouldn't dare speak outside the politically correct dictates that today's culture imposes on him. And personally I'm sick of being viewed as disadvantaged or as a victim because I'm a woman. I find that just as demeaning and limiting as old fashioned chauvinism. Until our work is seen as good work and not women's work (i.e. women's literature, women's art, a woman doctor, a woman scientist) women haven't really overcome bias.
Sayers also pointed out something I had not previously considered. That men have stolen much of women's work because a lot of what is in the context of professional business was originally organized in the home (think the Proverbs 31 woman). Business transactions, organizing agriculture, managing households became paying jobs outside the home, leaving women little else but cooking and cleaning. Those things can be dull, although the raising of children never can be if you put your heart in it. But I'm with Dorothy Sayers, I celebrate my life-not as a women but as a child fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
That's it for this year. I'll see you all in the next. Have a wonderful holiday and many blessings to you all for the upcoming year!